Tuesday, April 21, 2009

1. Is Earth Day important to you? Why?2. What do you understand by the phrase "save the Earth"?3. Why do you think it is important to recycle, reuse and reduce?4. What can you do to save the Earth?5. Can you suggest an activity which you and your family will do for "Earth Day?

1.Earth day Is important to me because if there is no earth than there is no human
2.We need to Save eletricity food and water
3.reduce amount of tree we use and water
4.dont litter dont destory trees

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hi Everyone,Last week, Mrs Nam spoke about the loss of things during CCA in the school. She invited the CCA leaders to come up with suggestions to solve the problem. For this week, I would like everyone to think of ways of improving our school. This could be the improvement in physical facilities such as the field, toilets, classroom, canteen, library, art room, computer lab and other facilities or the people who provided services to you such as the office personnel, teachers, book shop lady, school bus drivers and even the cleaners. In short, you can think of any aspects of the school that needs to improve so that the lives of pupils will be better. To help you, I have listed some questions below:1. Which aspect/s of the school do you like very much? Why?2. Which aspect/s of the school do you think you dislike? Why?3. What do you think can be done to improve it/them?4. What other areas of the school should be improved?5. How can pupils help in the improvement of the school?These questions are just a guide to help you start writing. You are free to to give your own opinions and suggestions..I hope to read your suggestions soon.Mr Ng

I like the computer lab it was cold and can use the computer.the field its hot and its always wet for very long after the rain there are no shealter to.put sheatlers for people to cool thier sweat.the hall,classroom and toilet can be inproved.dont throw litters all around the school throw them in the recyclebin.